Electrostatic Handwritten Notes for Class 12 | Best Handwritten Notes With Pdf

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Electrostatic Handwritten Notes
Electrostatics Handwritten Notes Pdf Download

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Also Read These

☆ Electrostatic is a branch of Physics in which we study electric charge at rest. It is also known as static electricity or frictional electricity . The electricity produces due to friction between two bodies when we rubbed each other is known as frictional electricity. ☆

Electrostatic Handwritten Notes | With free pdf download

▪︎■ हैलो students , हमारे ब्लॉग ndjtuition.in पर आपका स्वागत है । आज मैं आपके लिए लेकर आया हूं , Electrostatic Handwritten Notes जोकि 12th Class Physics का पहला Chapter है । आप electrostatic handwritten Notes की PDF जहां से फ्री में download कर सकते हैं । Electrostatic के साथ साथ आपको 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Chapters के notes भी download करने को मिल जाएंगे । हमारे ब्लॉग पर आपको और भी subject के Handwritten Notes की PDF download करने को मिल जाएंगी ।■▪︎

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Topic covered in Electrostatic Handwritten Notes

  • Electrostatic
  • Electrostatic Series
  • Conservation of Charge
  • Coulomb’s Law
  • Coulomb’s law force between two point charges
  • Principle of Superposition
  • Linear charge distribution
  • Surface Charge distribution
  • Electric field
  • Electric Dipole
  • Electric field due to dipole
  • Torque on a dipole in a uniform electric field
  • Electrostatic Potential
  • Electric flux
  • Gauss’s Theorem and it’s application and others

Important Definition

(a) Electrostatic: It is the branch of electricity which deals with electric charge at rest. It is also known as Static Electricity or Frictional Electricity.
(b) Frictional Electricity: The electricity produces due to friction between two insulating bodies which are rubbed with each other is called frictional electricity.
(c) Charge: The total deficiency or excess of eletrons in a body is called it charge or electric charge.
(d) Coulomb’s Law: This law states that the electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion between two charge at rest is –
¤ directly proportional to the product of magnitude of two charges.
¤ Inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
(e) Electric Field: The space around/surrounding a charge un which its effecr can be experienced by another charge is called electric field.
(f) Electric Field Intensity: The electric field intensity or strength of electric field at a point in the field of source charge is defined as the force experienced by a unit positive charge placed at that point.
(g) Electric Dipole: An arrangement of two equal and opposite charge separated by a small distance is called dipole. It is also known as bipole or electric doublet.
(h) Electrostatic Potential: The degree of electrification of a charge conductor is called its “Electric Potential“. It may also be defined as electrical condition which determines the direction of flow of electric charge, when another body is placed in contact with it. It flows from a conductor at higher potential to a conductor at lower potential.
(i) Electric Potential Energy: The electric potential energy of a system of point charge is defined as the amount of work done in bringing the charge from infinity to the respective locations.
(j) Electrical capacitance: The ability of a conductor to store the electric charge on it is called it’s electric capacitance“.
(k) Electric Flux: The total number of electric field lines passing normally through a certain surface area is called electric flux“.
(l) Capacitor or Condenser: It is a device used for storing a large quantity of electric charge and electric energy in small sphere or space.
(m) Conductors: Those substance through which electric charge can flow easily are called conductors. e.g. Silver, Copper, aluminum etc.
(n) Insulators: Those substance through which electric charge can not flow easily are called insulators. e.g. Glass, Rubber, Plastic, Paper etc
(o) Dielectric: Dielectric may be defined as the insulating material which transmits electric effect without conducting.
(p) Electrostatic Shielding: The method of protecting a certain region from the effect of electric field is electrostatic shielding.
(q) Vande Graff Generator: It is a device used for generating high potential to accelerate charged particles like electrons, protons, ions etc to carry out nuclear reactions.
Important Definitions of Electrostatic

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How to Download PDF of Electrostatic Handwritten Notes

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◇ यह भी देखे :- 12 Physics Handwritten Notes
◇ यह भी देखे :- 11 Chemistry Handwritten Notes

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F&Q (Electrostatics)

What is Electrostatics ?

☆ Electrostatic is a branch of Physics in which we study electric charge at rest. It is also known as static electricity or frictional electricity . The electricity produces due to friction between two bodies when we rubbed each other is known as frictional electricity. ☆

What do you meant by Electric Charge ?

The total deficiency or excess of eletrons in a body is called it charge or electric charge.

Define Electrostatic Potential

The degree of electrification of a charge conductor is called its “Electric Potential”. It may also be defined as electrical condition which determines the direction of flow of electric charge, when another body is placed in contact with it. It flows from a conductor at higher potential to a conductor at lower potential.


  • Maneesh

    राम-राम सभी को मेरा नाम Maneesh Sharma हैं, मैं J&K का रहना वाला हूँ। मैं एक Digital Marketer, Content Writer, Creator और Teacher हूँ। यहाँ Ndjtuition पर मेरी भूमिका आप सभी तक बिज़नेस और फाइनेंस के दुनिया से नयी खबरे पहुंचना हैं ताकि आपको इससे जुडी हर जानकारी मिलती रहे, धन्यवाद!

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