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12th Physics Handwritten Notes
12th Physics Handwritten Notes Pdf Download

Today we promise you to give Best 12th Physics Handwritten Notes . So i recommend you to read the full post 12th Physics Handwritten Notes clearly so that you would not miss any important topic

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12th Physics Handwritten Notes with free pdf

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Class 12th Physics Syllabus

S.No.Chapters NameSyllabus
1.Electrical Charges and Fields🔹️ Electric Charges
🔹️ Conservation of Charges
🔹️Coulomb’s law-force between two point charges
🔹️Force between multiple charges
🔹️Superposition principle
🔹️Continuous Charges Distribution
🔹️Electric field
🔹️Electric field due to a point charge
🔹️Electric field lines
🔹️Electric field due to a dipole
🔹️Torque on a dipole in uniform electric field
🔹️Electric Flux
🔹️Statement of Gauss’s theorem and its applications to find field due to infinitely long straight wire
🔹️Uniformly Charged infinite plane sheet
🔹️Uniformly charged thin spherical shell (field inside and outside)
2.Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance🔹️ Electric Potential, Potential difference
🔹️Electric Potential due to a point charge
🔹️Dipole and system of Charges
🔹️Equipotential Surface,
Conductors and insulators
🔹️Free charges and bound charges inside a conductor
🔹️Dielectrics and electric polarisation
🔹️Capacitors and capacitance
🔹️Combination of capacitors in series and in parallel
🔹️Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitors
🔹️Energy stored in a capacitor.
3.Current Electricity 🔹️ Electric charge flow of electric charge in a metallic conductor
🔹️Drift velocity
🔹️Mobility and their relation with electric current
🔹️Ohm’s law
🔹️ Electric resistance electric energy and power
🔹️Electrical resistivity and conductivity
🔹️Carbon resistors
🔹️Colour code for carbon resistors
🔹️Series and parallel Combination of resistors
🔹️Temperature dependence of resistance
🔹️Kirchoff’s laws and Simple applications
🔹️Whearstone bridge
🔹️Meter bridge
🔹️Potentiometer : Principle and its application to measure potential differences
🔹️Measurement of internal resistance of a cell
4.Moving Charge and Magnetism🔹️Concept of magnetic field
🔹️Oersted’s expirement
🔹️Biot – Savart law and its application
🔹️Straight and toroidal solenoids
🔹️Definition of Ampere
🔹️Ampere’s Law and its application
🔹️Force between two parallel current carrying conductor
🔹️Torque experienced by a current loop in uniform magnetic field
5.Magnetism and Matter 🔹️Current loop as a magnetic dipole and its magnetic dipole moment
🔹️Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron
🔹️Torque on a magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic field
🔹️Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid
🔹️Earth’s Magnetic field
🔹️Magnetic Elements
🔹️Magnetic field lines
🔹️Para – dia and ferro – magnetic substances
🔹️Permanent magnets
🔹️Electromagnets and factor affecting their strengths
🔹️Magnetic field intensity due to a magnetic dipole along its axis and perpendicular to its axis
6.Electromagnetic Induction🔹️Electromagnetic Induction
🔹️Edidy current
🔹️Lenz’s Law
🔹️Faraday’s Laws
🔹️Induced EMF and Current
🔹️Self and Mutual Induction
7.Alternating Current 🔹️Alternating Currents
🔹️Peak and RMS value of Alternating
🔹️Power in AC circuit
🔹️Wattless Current
🔹️LCR series circuit
🔹️Reactance and impedance
🔹️LS oscillation
🔹️AC Generator and Transformer
8.Electromagnetic Waves🔹️Electromagnetic waves , their characteristics, their transverse nature
🔹️Basic idea of displacement Current
🔹️Electromagnetic 🔹️Spectrum including elementary facts about their used
🔹️Radio waves,
🔹️Microwaves, infrared
🔹️Visible rays,
🔹️Gamma rays,
🔹️Ultraviolet rays
9.Raj Optics and Optical Instruments🔹️Ray Optics
🔹️Reflection of light
🔹️Mirror formula
🔹️Spherical Mirror
🔹️Refraction of light
🔹️Total internal reflection and its application
🔹️Optical fibres
🔹️Thin lense formula
🔹️Lensmaker’ formula
🔹️Refraction and dispersion of light through prism.
🔹️Scattering of light – blue colour of sky and reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset
🔹️Optical instruments
🔹️Microscopes and telescopes and their magnifying powers.
🔹️Power of lens
10Waves Optics🔹️Waves optics
🔹️Wave front and 🔹️Huygen’s principle,
🔹️Reflection and 🔹️Refraction of plane wave at a plane surface using waves fronts
🔹️Interference 🔹️Young’s double slit experiment and expression for fringe width
🔹️Coherent sources and sustained
🔹️Interference of light
🔹️Proof of laws of reflection and refraction using Huygen’s principle
🔹️Resolving power of
🔹️Microscopes and astronomical telescopes
🔹️Plane polarised light Brewster’s law,
🔹️Uses of plane polarised light and
11Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation🔹️Dual Nature of radiation
🔹️Hertz and Lenard’s observations
🔹️Einstein’s photoelectric equation
🔹️Photoelectric effect
🔹️Matter waves
🔹️Waves nature of particles
🔹️De-Broglie relation
🔹️Davisson Germer experiment
12Atom 🔹️Alpha-particle scattering experiment
🔹️Rutherford’s model of atom
🔹️Energy levels
🔹️Hydrogen Spectrum
🔹️Bohr Model
13Nuclei 🔹️Composition and size of – Nucleus
🔹️Atomic masses
🔹️Radioactive decay law
🔹️Mass-energy relation
🔹️Mass defect
🔹️Nuclear fission
🔹️Nuclear fusion
🔹️Binding energy per nucleon and its variation with mass number
🔹️Radioactivity alpha, beta and gamma particles/rays and their properties
14Semiconductor Electronics🔹️Energy bands in conductors,
🔹️Semiconductors and insulators
🔹️Semiconductor diode
🔹️Special purpose of p-n junction diodes
🔹️Solar cell and Zener diode and their Characteristics
🔹️Zener diode as a voltage regulator
🔹️Junction transistor,
🔹️Transistor action,
🔹️Characteristics of a transistor
🔹️Logic gate etc
15Communication System 🔹️Elements of a communication system
🔹️Bandwidth of signals
🔹️Bandwidth of transmission medium
🔹️Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere
🔹️Sky and space waves propagation
🔹️ Satellite communication
🔹️Basic ideas about internet, mobile telephony and global positioning system (GPS)
🔹️Need for modulation
🔹️ Amplitude modulation and frequency modulation,
🔹️Advantages of frequency modulation and others

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S.NoChapter Name Download Now
1Electric Charge And FieldClick Here To Download
2Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Click Here To Download
3Current Electricity Click Here to Download
4Moving Charge And MagnetismClick Here To Download
5Magnetism And Matter Click Here To Download
6Electromagnetic InductionClick Here To Download
7Alternating CurrentClick Here To Download
8Electromagnetic Waves Click Here To Download
9Ray Optics Click Here To download
10Wave Optics Click Here To Download
11Dual Nature Of Matter And Radiation Click Here To Download
12Atom Click Here To Download
13Nuclei Click Here To Download
14Semi Conductor And DeviceClick Here To Download
15Communication System Click Here To Download
◇ यह भी देखे :- 12 Chemistry Handwritten Notes

◇ यह भी देखे :- 11 Chemistry Handwritten Notes

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  • Maneesh

    राम-राम सभी को मेरा नाम Maneesh Sharma हैं, मैं J&K का रहना वाला हूँ। मैं एक Digital Marketer, Content Writer, Creator और Teacher हूँ। यहाँ Ndjtuition पर मेरी भूमिका आप सभी तक बिज़नेस और फाइनेंस के दुनिया से नयी खबरे पहुंचना हैं ताकि आपको इससे जुडी हर जानकारी मिलती रहे, धन्यवाद!

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