Top 10 Government Merchant Navy colleges in India 2023

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Top 10 Government Merchant Navy colleges : पिछले कुछ वर्षों में, Maritime Industry बहुत तेजी से बड़ी और इस से Merchant Navy में नौकरियों की मांग भी बढ़ी। कई छात्र इस Field में Interest दिखाते हैं, क्योंकि भारत में इसका बहुत Scope हैं। इसलिए, मुझे लगता है कि आपको Top 10 Government Merchant Navy colleges in India 2023 के बारे में बताएं । इस Post में दी गई हर चीज पूरी तरह से research पर आधारित है,

इस Post मे हम आपको Top 10 Government Merchant Navy colleges in India 2023 के बारे में बताएंगे |

यदि आप किसी भी College के बारे में अधिक जानकारी चाहते हैं तो उनकी website पर जाएं और Recently Update प्राप्त करें।

ये सभी विश्वविद्यालय भारत सरकार द्वारा भारतीय समुद्री विश्वविद्यालय (IMU) के अंतर्गत आते हैं। इस समय Shiping Industry बढ़ रही है, साथ ही साथ बड़े Scamers और शिपिंग कंपनियों के एजेंट दिन-ब-दिन बढ़ते जा रहे हैं |

और इस उद्योग में शामिल कई धोखाधड़ी संस्थान और पाठ्यक्रम भी हैं। सबसे पहले, उन सभी प्रकार के संस्थानों, पाठ्यक्रमों और शिपिंग कंपनियों की जाँच करें जो भारत सरकार द्वारा DG शिपिंग द्वारा अनुमोदित हैं।

Merchant Navy  colleges in India
Merchant Navy  colleges in India

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Why do Students want to join the Merchant Navy?

  • पहला मुख्य कारण है Shipping Companies द्वारा दिया जाने वाली Sallary packages. क्योंकि Merchant Navy sallary normally Navy से काफी ज्यादा होती है |
  • Dusra कारण है बिना पैसा खर्च किए दुनिया भर में मुफ्त यात्रा।
  • यहां आपके सभी खर्च कंपनी द्वारा दिए गए हैं।
  • और हां, साइन आउट करने के बाद 3 – 4 महीने जैसी लंबी छुट्टियों का आनंद लें सकते हैं

Top 10 Government Merchant Navy colleges in India 2023

1.Indian Maritime University – Chennai Campus

Indian Maritime University – Chennai Campus को National Maritime Academy के नाम से जाना जाता है | यह University Chennai में है | यह University साल 1985 में शुरू हुई थी |

The academic infrastructure includes :

  • 23 class rooms
  • Fully equipped machine shop
  • Workshops for plumbing
  • Workshop for electrical
  • Workshop for pneumatic
  • Workshop for fitting
  • Swimming pool etc.

IMU Chennai offers the following academic programs:

  • B.Sc., in Nautical Science
  • B.Tech in Marine Engineering
  • Diploma in Nautical Science
  • MBA in Port and Shipping Management
  • MBA in International Transportation and Logistics Management
  • BBA in Logistics, Retailing and E-Commerce
  • Post Sea / STCW Courses

Contact Details

Address: East Coast Road, Uthandi Chennai

2. T.S. Chanakya, Navi Mumbai Campus

T.S. Chanakya एक Government Maritime college है | यह IMU के नाम se भी जाना जाता है | Navi Mumbai Campus. T S Chanakya B.Sc. in Nautical Science के लिए बहुत प्रसिद्ध है

Course Duration : 3 years with 2 terms in a year.

T. S. Chanakya imparts one year Diploma course in Nautical Studies (DNS) भी करवाते हैं

Courses Offered By T.S. CHANAKYA

Regular Courses:

  • 3 year B.Sc. (Nautical Science) Degree Course.
  • 1 year Diploma in Nautical Science, leading to B.Sc. (Nautical Science).
  • Short Term Courses:
  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
  • Fire Fighting Course

Contact Details:

Address: Karave Nerul, Navi Mumbai- 400706.

3. Indian Maritime University – Mumbai Port Campus

Indian Maritime University – Mumbai Port Campus को Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime Studies and Research के नाम से जाना jata है |

यह college Merchant Navy Officers. के लिए अलग अलग तरह के Course प्रदान करती है

यह college Ministry of Transport, Government of India द्वारा स्थापित किया गया था | यह College 1948 में शुरू हुआ था

यह Institute 45 post के लिए अलग अलग Course करवाती है, जिसमें से कुछ course नीचे हैं

  • Certificate of Competency courses.
  • Simulator based Courses.
  • Non-simulator based Modular courses.
  • Four years B.Tech (Marine Engineering)
  • One year Post Graduate Diploma in Marine Engineering (PGDME) course.

Contact Details:

Address: MERI, MUMBAI,Hay Bunder Road, Mumbai

4. Indian Maritime University – Kolkata Campus

The Indian Maritime University – Kolkata Campus में 2 institutions हैं

  • Marine Engineering & Research Institute (MERI, Kolkata)
  • Indian Institute of Port Management (IIPM, Kolkata).

Institute 1947 मे स्थापित हुआ था | इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य India में Marine Engineers की कमी को पूरा करना था |

Infrastructure of this university

  • Smart classrooms
  • Well equipped Laboratories
  • Simulators
  • Library with more than 16000 books
  • Technical journals
  • Separate hostels for boys and girls for more than 800 cadets
  • Swimming pools
  • Workshops.

IMU Kolkata Course offered:

  • B. Tech in Marine Engineering
  • M. Tech in Marine Engineering & Management
  • MBA in International Transportation & Logistics Management
  • Besides, MERI also conducts various STCW courses and MEO Class-I Preparatory Course.

Contact Details-

Address: P – 19, Taratalla Road,Kolkata – 700 088.

  • Email:,
  • Website:

5. Indian Maritime University – Visakhapatnam Campus

Indian Maritime University – Visakhapatnam Campus को National Ship Design & Research Centre के नाम से भी जाना जाता है |

IMU Visakhapatnam (NSDRC) चेन्नई में केंद्रीय रूप से स्थापित भारतीय समुद्री विश्वविद्यालय के संगम से निकलता है।

More Information:

  • Course offered: B.Tech (Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering)
  • Duration: 4 years
  • No. of Seats: 40

Contact Details-

  • Address: Near RAYAVARAPU AGRAHARAM, SABBAVARAM MANDAL, Vishakhapatnam 531035.
  • Email:
  • Website:

6. Indian Maritime University – Kochi Campus

Indian Maritime University – Kochi Campus was previously known as National Ship Design & Research Centre. These Maritime institutions offer specialised maritime courses and training.

It was felt that establishment of a Campus of the IMU at Kochi will go a long way in promotion of the maritime sector.

IMU Kochi now offers the following academic programms

  • MBA in Port and Shipping Management
  • MBA in International Transportation & Logistics Management
  • B.Sc., in Nautical Science
  • BBA in Logistics, Retailing & E-commerce

Contact Details-

Address: South End Reclamation Area (Located on NH47- A),Near Alexander Parambithara Bridge,Matsyapuri P.O.,Willingdon Island,Kochi- 682029

7. Dr. BR Ambedkar Institute of Technology

Dr. BR Ambedkar Institute of Technology was established in 1980. It is a government college of Maritime approved by Indian Maritime University (IMU).

More Information:

  • Overall Grade: B1
  • Ownership: Government
  • Approved Seats: N/A

Address: Bharathi, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Important Note: only 7 Government Maritime Universities are available in India. So, Beware when exploring on the internet.

More Information:

  • Overall Grade: B1
  • Ownership: Govt
  • Approved Seats: N/A
  • Course Fees: Diploma in Nautical Science
  • Address: Bharathi, Bengaluru, Karnataka

8. Maritime Training Institute (MTI)

The MTI-SCI is another name for the Maritime Training Institute. They provide approved DNS Seats 80(Aug) and 40(Feb) Bach for the B.Sc. in Naval Science..

Candidates will be admitted to the programme at our MTI located in Powai, Mumbai, if they apply for admission to MTI and also pass the imu cet exam, which is given twice a year by Indian Maritime University, Chennai.

Candidates must access and MUST fill out the online form for the IMU CET strictly adhering to the guidelines provided on their website.

This institute was established by Shipping Corporation of India LTD. (SCI) by the government of India.

More Information:

  • Overall Grade: A1
  • Ownership: semi-govt
  • Offered course: Only DNS (diploma in nautical science)
  • Approved Seats: 80(Aug), 40(Feb) Bach
  • Address: Marg, Powai, Mumbai 400072

9. Tolani Maritime Institute (TMI)

  • Overall Grade: A1
  • Ownership: Private
  • Approved Sets: DNS (Diploma in Nautical Science), B.Sc. Nautical Science and (Marine Engineering)
  • No.of Seats: DNS-120 (Aug) Bach 40 (Feb)Bach, B.Sc.(NS)- 80, (ME)- 240
  • Placement: 95 – 100%
  • Address: Induri Village, Maval Taluka, Pune

10. International Maritime Institute (IMI)

  • CIP Grade: A1
  • Ownership: Private
  • Courses Offered: DNS (Diploma in Nautical Science) and (Marine Engineering)
  • No. of Seats: DNS-120 (Aug) Bach 40 (Feb)Bach, (ME)- 80
  • Address: Noida, Uttar Pradesh.


  • Maneesh

    राम-राम सभी को मेरा नाम Maneesh Sharma हैं, मैं J&K का रहना वाला हूँ। मैं एक Digital Marketer, Content Writer, Creator और Teacher हूँ। यहाँ Ndjtuition पर मेरी भूमिका आप सभी तक बिज़नेस और फाइनेंस के दुनिया से नयी खबरे पहुंचना हैं ताकि आपको इससे जुडी हर जानकारी मिलती रहे, धन्यवाद!

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