Electrochemistry Handwritten Notes | Toppers 12th Chemistry Notes With Pdfs

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Electrochemistry Handwritten Notes

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Syllabys Covered In Electrochemistry Handwritten Notes

किसी भी Chapter को पड़ने से पहले हमारे पास उस Chapter का Syllabus होना बहुत जरूरी है। तो आओ सबसे पहले हम Syllabus ही Check कर लेते हैं। निम्नलिखित आपको Electrochemistry Handwritten Notes में कौन से Topics किए है उसके बारे में जानकारी मिलेगी।

Topic covered in Class 12th Chapter-3 Electrochemistry Handwritten Notes are

1. Redox Reaction
2. EMF of a Cell
3. Standard electrode potential 
4. Nernst equation
(a) its application to chemical cells
5 Relation between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell
6. Conductance in electrolytic solutions
7. Specific and molar conductivity
8. Variations of conductivity with concentration
9. Kohlrausch’s Law 
10. Electrolysis and law of electrolysis  (elementary idea)
11. Dry cell-
(a) electrolytic cells
(b) Galvanic cells
12. Lead accumulator
13. Fuel cells
14. Corrosion

Some Important Definition of Electrochemistry Handwritten Notes

Electro-chemistry : Electrochemistry is that branch of Chemistry which deals with the study of production of electricity from energy released during spontaneously chemical reactions and the use of electrical energy to bring about non-spontaneous chemical transformations.
Conductor : Those substances that allow electric current to pass through them are known as conductors.
Metallic Conductors : Those substances that allow electric current to pass through them by the movement of electrons are called metallic conductors, e.g. metals.
Electrolytic Conductor : Those substances which allow the passage of electricity through their fused state or aqueous solution and undergo chemical decomposition are called Electrolytic Conductor.
Daniell Cell : An electrochemical cell of zinc and copper metals is known as Daniell cell.
Electrolysis : It is the process of decomposition of an elctrolyte when electric current is passes through either its aqueous solution or molten state.
Electrolytic Cells: Those devices which are used to convert electric energy into chemical energy are called electrolytic cell. In these cells electric energy is used to bring about a chemical reaction.
Reduction Potential : The tendency of an electrode to gain electron or to get reduced is called reduction potential.
Commercial Cells or Batteries: Electro-chemical cells used for commercial purpose are called commercial cells. The main use of galvanic cell is the generation of portable electric energy. These are also known as batteries.
Dry Cells: Dry cell is a compact form of the leclanche cells.
Fuel Cells: These may be defined as the galvanic cells in which the chemical energy produced during the composition of fuels is directly converted into electrical energy.

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  • Maneesh

    राम-राम सभी को मेरा नाम Maneesh Sharma हैं, मैं J&K का रहना वाला हूँ। मैं एक Digital Marketer, Content Writer, Creator और Teacher हूँ। यहाँ Ndjtuition पर मेरी भूमिका आप सभी तक बिज़नेस और फाइनेंस के दुनिया से नयी खबरे पहुंचना हैं ताकि आपको इससे जुडी हर जानकारी मिलती रहे, धन्यवाद!

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